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A Life of Turmoil

Author Johanna Sparrow
ISBN 1976449006
A Life of Turmoil: The Short Stories of Ana Franken, 08150017 - Ana Franken was a mother and wife, but never a daughter. She lived in a world where abuse and neglect caused her to be permanently saddened. Striving to be noticed in a family where she was considered a ‘nobody' and forced to do things that no one else in the family wanted to do, was heartbreaking. Even as an adult, Ana struggled to gain her mother's love but never succeeded. 
Price: $8.00
The Short Stories of Ana Franken, 08150017
1 Product Reviews - Average rating 5 / 5 (Show All)
Awesome Job...
- 10/14/2017
Great book A Life of Turmoil... Clever writing... The author did an outstanding job!!! Basically, this is very interesting and it's eye-catching you would be interested in because this kept my interest, and this moved along quite well. I suspended everythread more

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